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over and over again
having a song stuck in your head isn't always a bad thing. i've learned to accept the fact that it is a daily occurrence if i happen to fall asleep with the ipod or radio on. and also have realized that the cure is to listen to the song until i don't want to hear it again for several months. normally songs i enjoy are on replay in my mind. so whistling random bits of the chorus throughout the day is more of a pleasure than an annoyance. thankfully i can whistle with some skill.

today however cyclone by baby bash was on the radio when i left for work and was promptly running circles around my mind like a small child the morning after halloween, when all candy in sight is fair game. the fact the entire song is sung in a monotone (not to mention flat) voice that has been electronically "enhanced" added to my aggravation. the catchy notes spread as i walked around at work, and after a few hours i found my boss humming the contagious chorus.

"she moves her body like a cyclone.
and she makes me wanna do it all night long.
goin hard when they turn the spotlights on
cause she moves her body like a cyclone."

rinse and repeat.

here's hoping tomorrow i can get some flyleaf.

no pics today you get to share in my day's soundtrack

posted by milisa at 0 Comments

on the radio
the weekend has gone to hell.

my sink has decided now would be a great time to back up. thursday night 2 bottles of drano were brought into help. the plumbing was the victor in that battle. time to call in the professionals it seems. it's times like this i am glad i rent and do not own. the plumber (who was supposed to come out at 12 something this afternoon) was a no show, and i doubt i will be seeing him tomorrow; it is sunday after all. the plumbing is no doubt reveling in triumph as i scowl in frustration.

today i awoke with the single minded intention of continuing my long standing tradition of poking prodding and generally harassing my better half into agreeing to wake up and make some sort of tasty egg filled breakfast. fritatas are typically on the menu most mornings. along with coffee. coffee i make prior to trying to rouse the one who steals my covers at night. only to realize i couldn't pour out yesterday's left over brew and rinse the pot out. more scowling occurred as i carried to pot to the bathroom to empty and rinse it there. sink 3 me 0.

coffee going. bf in some state of consciousness, i attempt to make breakfast. only to realize my favorite skillet (along with it's lesser loved brother) are in the dishwasher, which wasn't run because of the bad pipes. "to hell with it!" i yelled. startling my alseep-on-his-feet companion. "we are going out!" "whatever" came the mumbled agreement. true the crepes were delicious but i was so looking forward to that fritata. i'm sure my sink is laughing its backed up p-trap off right now.

score 4 and 0

today's pic: londy's wtf face

posted by milisa at 0 Comments

My boss is addicted to energy drinks.

While that would normally wouldn't mean anything to me personally, he has a way of making me want to go out and try the one he is currently addicted to. First it was Monster Java (being sipped as i type). Yesterday he was talking about NoS. He said he saw the drink on an episode of House and had to try it. Claiming that is tasted like orange flavored alcohol, my interest was peeked. Next early start at work i have a feeling a NoS will be in hand when I clock in.

Cable is still not working. It doesn't look like i will be watching Atlantis tonight either. One more episode to get from itunes. *frowny face* But according to the Oct 24 SciFi Network press realease Stargate Atlantis will be picked up for a 5th season. *happy face* Joseph Mallozzi's empty whiteboard of season 5 episodes was nice to see. Another year. Now to get the cable fixed!

Today's pic: My alter ego ready to go in the oct 24 hyjal/bt raid. unbreakable will to me. No more naga lollipop.

posted by milisa at 0 Comments

slow ride
saturdays at work leave me wiped out. a 4am start and a long day of walking. the early morning start is so opposite my typical 3pm to 11pm shift that i generally can not seem to sleep the night before. so i found myself pretty much asleep on my feet just going through the motions at work. despite the monsterjava that had been consumed at 4:30 that morning. came home and was lulled to sleep by the sounds of "Stargate" the movie.

i'm not a big fan of naps. they tend to leave me groggy and out of it for the rest of the day. and yesterday was no different. i woke up around 4:30pm, and it took a few hours before i felt human again. :(

on another sad note. the cable was on the fritz friday night and i didnt get to see "doppleganger". so upset with comcast! i was really looking forward to the double sheppards and the incident with lorne! *cry* i will be downloading the episode via itunes i suppose. comcast had better get their shit together come this friday for "travelers"!

time to round up breakfast and take the puppy to the dog park!

today's pic: sneaky tim!

posted by milisa at 0 Comments

tortilla soup with chicken

5 or so garlic cloves
2 red onions
1 med can fire roasted diced tomatoes
1 sm jar roasted red peppers
1 sm bad of frozen corn kernels
4 slices of bacon
1lb boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 cup crumbled queso fresco
1 sm can chipotle peppers in adobo sauce
1 handful cliantro
2 green onions
1 lime cut into wedges
4 cups crushed tortilla chips
1 avacado
4 cups chicken broth
1 tbl spoon oregano
1 tbl spoon basil
1 tbl spoon cumin

in a stock pot heat 2 tbl spoons of olive oil. chop bacon into small pieces and add to pot. once bacon is crisp remove from pot and set aside; reserve drippings. add diced red onions to the bacon drippings and saute until translucent. add finely chopped garlic. cook until tender. add basil, oregano, cumin, corn, tomatoes and all peppers to the pot.

in a separate skillet cook chicken breast through. allow to rest then cube. add cubed chicken to vegetables. add broth to cover. and simmer for 10 mins.

in each bowl place a small handful of tortilla chips and cheese. top with soup and garnish with cilantro, green onion, bacon, avacado and extra chips and cheese. squeeze the juice of 1 lime wedge over each bowl before serving.

it was pretty. bright green herbs, white cheese, red peppers and broth. i should have taken a picture.

posted by milisa at 0 Comments

par for the course it seems. every time i start up a new journal i neglect it for a few months (ok a lotta months) before actually starting to work on it. lj it seems is no different.

i'm going to go with my no 1 excuse: work has been crazy :P

in the works is an sga fic (teamlorne! no less). in need of a beta reader like woah. *shrug*

"doppelganger" tonight. i am very excited. having taken a peek at some of the screencaps that were released due to the itunes thing. i am looking forward to it. although i could have watched the episode on tv-links i decided to wait until the official airing of the show; no sense wrecking my friday night entertainment. right?

spent a few hours last night in warcraft on the hunt for the headless horsemen helm. 5 runs yesterday and one drop that went to the other warrior in the group. oh well. i guess it's only fair. i take all of steve's loot in actual raids so he can take my Halloween helm.

currently loving the fic: To Seek Out New Life by slybrarian

todays pic: the bf arm wrestles.

posted by milisa at 0 Comments

go blog yourself
an old blog made new. so once again i have decided to start blogging. it's been a while and i missed it. no fancy domains or websace this time. just plain old blogspot. simple is good.

yeah that'll last long. :P

a new obsession really made me think of dusting off the old blogger account however. saltwater tanks. after several hundred dollars i am the proud owner of a tank with some sand water and one little clownfish (who i have dubbed lokie). not impressive as of yet but it will be...big dreams and lots of room for faliure. but lokie and i will prevail. come this time next year i will have a nano reef of my own. i can feel the addiction already...

much like World of Warcraft, my current time sink. but what's not to love about sitting on your ass, loosing sleep, and playing a video game like a part time job. nothing is what :D

posted by milisa at 0 Comments

back in the saddle
so i rode a horse for the first time in almost 6 months last night. needless to say i am in pain. but i am going to ride again tonigth and every night this week untill the weekend when i have to work at the barn. and i am going to ride all next week as well.

it was really difficult, not because i don't remember how to do things, but because my muscles couldn't do the things my brain was telling them to do. so it was very frustrating as well as physically taxing. hopefully in a month or so i will be back on track and riding half pass with the best of them. ok well maybe not half pass, but a really nice leg yield.

i missed being in the saddle.

posted by milisa at 0 Comments

stroke this
i miss california. i really do. but sometimes it is hard to put my finger on what i miss the most. but this morning as i listened to the radio and heard one of my most favorite songs i realized that i miss stroke 9 a lot.

i can't really tell you why. sure they were fun, played good music, had some awesome tonuge in cheek lyrics and of course did free concerts, but there was something more than that.

i guess part of it is that when i hear their songs i am reminded of the two things i love: the ocean and san francisco. san fran because that is usually where i went to see them. i remember the first time i saw them in concert was at the see alice run event in golden gate park alomost five year ago. i didn't even know who they were; i had gone for the 5k run, but i ran out and bought their cd that day. Nine Days played at that event as well. i didn't run out and buy their cd.

the last time i saw stroke 9 in concert was at the beach in santa cruz last summer. i was sitting on the steps of the board walk with my ex (who only went because i begged him). their stage was set up facing the boardwalk so i could see the band and the ocean at the same time. it was awesome.

i miss that band they were so much fun to listen to.

i miss the beach, the ocean, and the smell of salt water.

i miss how small you feel as you stand at the waters egde and look out across the waves to the horizon.

i miss california. it's people, traffic, energy... i never realized how an area can make you feel more alive simply by the way it feels.

california has this hum about it, some would call it tension i guess, and some days it was so maddening i thought i was going to snap. but here in arkansas that hum has faded to less that a whisper and i feel no drive. i think i needed that tension; that little extra kick in the ass in the morning that said "get up! do something, and be someone!"

i don't miss him.

i think about him, but then i wish he had never come into my life.

and lately i find myself thinking more about what would have happened to me had he never been. it saddens me, thinking that i missed out on something great.

posted by milisa at 0 Comments

yucky mornings
so i decided to stay home today from work. i was feeling a bit under the weather. and seeing as how the weather is pretty darn crappy that means i am feeling pretty darn low.

however the good thing about this crappy feeling (that has somehow become related to the current weather forecast) is that i got to play warcraft ALL morning. :D and i am now only one level away from my mount - a spotted frostsaber. i only have to scrape together about 24 more gold and then he is all mine!! mwahahahahaha XD

but my joyous morning of slaughtering trolls in the highlands around refuge point was cut short by a call from yalonda and a trip out to lunch for some mexican food. mmmm tasty

posted by milisa at 1 Comments

24 . tarus . geek

stroke9. explicit. warcraft.

firda. joseph. david.

flikr is my true <3

& Hears

